Friday, September 30, 2005

What I did - What I used to stretch my Luggs?

Black and white 4mm Acrylic stretcher at about a third of the way through & a 5mm surgical streel flesh tunnelat the back.

My Experience With Ear Stretchers

Stretchers :

I used Acrylic Stretchers - 3 Reasons Why ?
  1. Acrylic stretchers are cheap
  2. They usually have a swirl design - which makes it easy to gage your progression ie. I have reach the bottom of the first swirl. I get very impatient so need to see results.
  3. Acrylic stretchers are the lightest in wieght. The wieght of the stretcher can pull it's self out in the early stages.

Stretcher Sizes :

Stretchers come in gage sizes and mm sizes dependant on what make you buy, and how the shop decides to list them.

Good Starter sizes - the smaller the expander the smaller the start size (start size is the narrow end). The largesr size to start on with is a 4mm as the narrow end is can be squeezed in at a push into and type of piercing. 3mm is a good starter if you think you want to take it steady. A 6mm stretcher just wouldn't fit, if you could squeeze it in you probaby swell up and bleed lots.


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