Sunday, October 09, 2005

6mm (gauge 2) to 8mm (gauge 0) my final stretch ?

Back is a 5mm steel tunnel, front 8mm acrylic stretcher,
just1 hour into starting to stretch a 6mm hole to 8mm.
Will this really be the final stretch ?

As I may have hinted before I have an obsessive personality so what began as the original aim to get the smallest possible flesh tunnel to look cool, has become something else. I remember being 11 years old saying dad I only want my hair to reach my collar when I first began growing it. A few years later and it's at my shoulder blades, go figger.
This one is pretty sore today as I have just begun, one this I have done on this stretch that seems to have made all the difference so far is only used a steripod (saline) to pre-clean the stretcher and hole I have had no noticeable swelling or redness ( see photo to see if you agree). Before I always began with surgical spirits and had quite abit of swelling. I used saline
(salt water) for the last part of the 6mm stretch a week or so ago and had very little swelling.
The piercing I am stretching has been at 6mm for about a week and a half and felt o.k to try and stretch further.
The 5mm tunnel I pushed a 6mm into yesterday with no pain just felt tight. That piercing is 6 weeks old. So a fully healed one can be stretch on size up well 1mm up with no pain at all.


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