O.K this ear stretch acted a little differently to before

This went differently on this 8mm Stretch
Well this stretch went great from the first 6 hours, I used steripod saline to clean it. Apalied presure to the back "O" ring (putting it on tight tends to move the4 stretch along some how)No swelling 4hrs later I pushed it a little and it went all te way from 6mm to 8mm (gauge 2 -0) no real pain no excessive swelling.
Then an hour later got some pain the down the neck sort, took some pain killer n o problem until the next hour and it hit the swell. It went up like quite abit but no real pain. So I decided just to leave it in and go to bed. The next morning it was massive, but I decided to see how it would go and it went tdown a little by the evening some more the next morning then completely gone by the time I wen to bed. So 48hrs of swelling but no infection, it was wierd as no intial swelling. But here is a photo after 48hrs. I only have a little space left in my ear now. So I've decided to go up to 10mm 0r gauge "00" and call it a day as this is getting a bit out of hand.
This week I'll put the next size up into the back 5mm piercing taking it to 6mm or gauge 2. Then on wednesday start the stretch from 8mm to 10mm with the hope of only a little swelling. It goes to show what worked once or twice may not always work when stretching, your body will do what ever it likes.
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